Source code for vs_transitions

"""Powerpoint-like transitions implemented in VapourSynth."""
__all__ = [

import enum
import math
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import simplefilter, warn

import vapoursynth as vs

    from ._metadata import __author__, __date__, __version__  # type: ignore
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    __author__ = __date__ = __version__ = "unknown (portable version)"  # type: ignore


core = vs.core

[docs]class Direction(str, enum.Enum): """Direction enumeration. Members can be simply referenced by their names, i.e. ``vs_transitions.LEFT`` instead of ``vs_transitions.Direction.LEFT``. """ LEFT = "left" RIGHT = "right" UP = "up" DOWN = "down" HORIZONTAL = "horizontal" VERTICAL = "vertical"
LEFT = Direction.LEFT RIGHT = Direction.RIGHT UP = Direction.UP DOWN = Direction.DOWN HORIZONTAL = Direction.HORIZONTAL VERTICAL = Direction.VERTICAL __all__ += list(Direction.__members__)
[docs]class MiscConstants(str, enum.Enum): """Miscellanious enumeration for some functions. Members can be simply referenced by their names, i.e. ``vs_transitions.SLIDE`` instead of ``vs_transitions.MiscConstants.SLIDE``. """ SLIDE = "slide" SQUEEZE = "squeeze" EXPAND = "expand"
SLIDE = MiscConstants.SLIDE SQUEEZE = MiscConstants.SQUEEZE EXPAND = MiscConstants.EXPAND __all__ += list(MiscConstants.__members__) def _check_clips(frames: int, caller: Callable, *clips: vs.VideoNode, **kwargs) -> None: """General checker for clip formats, resolutions, length, and other keywords. Possible kwargs: 'subsampling': checks that all clips have 444 subsampling for resize purposes """ if frames <= 0: raise ValueError(f"{caller.__name__}: `frames` cannot be less than 1") same_check = set() for clip in clips: if clip.format is None: raise ValueError(f"{caller.__name__}: all clips must be constant-format") if 0 in (clip.width, clip.height): raise ValueError(f"{caller.__name__}: all clips must be constant-resolution") if clip.num_frames < frames: raise ValueError(f"{caller.__name__}: all clips must have at least {frames} frames") same_check.add((, clip.width, clip.height)) if kwargs: if ("subsampling" in kwargs) and kwargs["subsampling"]: if clip.format.subsampling_w != 0 or clip.format.subsampling_h != 0: raise ValueError( f"{caller.__name__}: all clips must have 444 chroma subsampling for a non-mod2 resize" ) if len(same_check) > 1: raise ValueError(f"{caller.__name__}: all clips must be same format and resolution") def _return_combo( clip1: Optional[vs.VideoNode], clip_middle: vs.VideoNode, clip2: Optional[vs.VideoNode], ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Prevents splicing empty clips. :param clip1: optional start clip :param clip_middle: mandatory middle clip :param clip2: optional ending clip :return: splice of existing clips in order """ if clip1 is not None and clip2 is not None: return clip1 + clip_middle + clip2 elif clip1 is not None and clip2 is None: return clip1 + clip_middle elif clip1 is None and clip2 is not None: return clip_middle + clip2 elif clip1 is None and clip2 is None: return clip_middle def _transition_clips( clip1: vs.VideoNode, clip2: vs.VideoNode, frames: int ) -> Tuple[Optional[vs.VideoNode], Optional[vs.VideoNode], vs.VideoNode, vs.VideoNode]: """Returns clean (non-transition) and transition sections of the given clips based on frames.""" if clip1.num_frames == frames: clip1_t_zone = clip1 clip1_clean = None else: clip1_t_zone = clip1[-frames:] clip1_clean = clip1[:-frames] if clip2.num_frames == frames: clip2_t_zone = clip2 clip2_clean = None else: clip2_t_zone = clip2[:frames] clip2_clean = clip2[frames:] return clip1_clean, clip2_clean, clip1_t_zone, clip2_t_zone
[docs]def fade(clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None) -> vs.VideoNode: """Cross-fade clips.""" frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, fade, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_fade_zone, clipb_fade_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _fade(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if progress == 0: return clipa_fade_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_fade_zone else: return core.std.Merge( clipa_fade_zone, clipb_fade_zone, weight=[float(progress)], ) faded = core.std.FrameEval(clipa_fade_zone, _fade) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, faded, clipb_clean)
[docs]def poly_fade( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, exponent: int = 1, ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Cross-fade clips according to a curve. :param exponent: An integer in the range from 1-5 (inclusive) where 1 represents a parabolic curve, 2 represents a quartic curve, and higher powers more resembling an tight ease-in-out function with constant speed for most of the transition. An `exponent` of ``1`` is probably most useful, as higher exponents tend towards a constant speed and therefore are almost indistinguishable from a normal :func:`fade`. """ if not (1 <= exponent <= 5): raise ValueError("poly_fade: exponent must be an int between 1 and 5 (inclusive)") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, fade, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_fade_zone, clipb_fade_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def get_pos(x: Fraction) -> Fraction: """Returns position as a fractions.Fraction, based on a input percentage fractions.Fraction""" def _curve(y: Fraction) -> Fraction: return -(((2 * y - 1) ** (2 * exponent + 1)) / (4 * exponent + 2)) + y - Fraction(1, 2) return ((_curve(Fraction(1, 1)) - _curve(Fraction())) ** -1) * (_curve(x) - _curve(Fraction())) def _fade(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if progress == 0: return clipa_fade_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_fade_zone else: return core.std.Merge(clipa_fade_zone, clipb_fade_zone, weight=[float(get_pos(progress))]) faded = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _fade) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, faded, clipb_clean)
[docs]def fade_to_black(src_clip: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None) -> vs.VideoNode: """Simple convenience function to :func:`fade` a clip to black. `frames` will be the number of frames consumed from the end of the `src_clip` during the transition. The first frame of the transition will be the first frame of the `src_clip`, while the last frame of the transition will be a pure black frame. If `frames` is not given, will fade to black over the entire duration of the `src_clip`. """ if src_clip.format is None: raise ValueError("fade_to_black: `src_clip` must be a constant format VideoNode") black_clip = core.std.BlankClip(format=vs.GRAY8, length=frames, color=[0]) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert black_clip.format is not None assert src_clip.format is not None black_clip_resized = black_clip.resize.Point( width=src_clip.width, height=src_clip.height, format=black_clip.format.replace( color_family=src_clip.format.color_family, sample_type=src_clip.format.sample_type, bits_per_sample=src_clip.format.bits_per_sample, subsampling_w=src_clip.format.subsampling_w, subsampling_h=src_clip.format.subsampling_h, ).id, ) return fade(src_clip, black_clip_resized, frames)
[docs]def fade_from_black(src_clip: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None) -> vs.VideoNode: """Simple convenience function to :func:`fade` a clip into view from black. `frames` will be the number of frames consumed from the start of the `src_clip` during the transition. The first frame of the transition will be a pure black frame, while the last frame of the transition will be the last frame of the `src_clip`. If `frames` is not given, will fade in over the entire duration of the `src_clip`. """ if src_clip.format is None: raise ValueError("fade_to_black: `src_clip` must be a constant format VideoNode") black_clip = core.std.BlankClip(format=vs.GRAY8, length=frames, color=[0]) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert black_clip.format is not None assert src_clip.format is not None black_clip_resized = black_clip.resize.Point( width=src_clip.width, height=src_clip.height, format=black_clip.format.replace( color_family=src_clip.format.color_family, sample_type=src_clip.format.sample_type, bits_per_sample=src_clip.format.bits_per_sample, subsampling_w=src_clip.format.subsampling_w, subsampling_h=src_clip.format.subsampling_h, ).id, ) return fade(black_clip_resized, src_clip, frames)
[docs]def wipe( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT, ) -> vs.VideoNode: """A moving directional fade. Similar to a :func:`fade`, but with a moving mask. The `direction` will be the direction the fade progresses towards. (i.e. the second clip begins fading in from the **opposite** given direction, and the first clip begins fading out starting from the **opposite** given direction, progressing towards `direction`) Uses a pure white to black gradient for the fade. If possible, uses `numpy <>`_ to generate the mask. If the numpy module is not found, falls back to a slower and possibly less accurate approach using lists and the ``ctypes`` module for writing to a VapourSynth frame. """ if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("wipe: give a proper direction") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, wipe, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_wipe_zone, clipb_wipe_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) blank_clip = core.std.BlankClip(width=1 << 16, height=1, format=vs.GRAYS, color=[0.0], length=1) write_frame = blank_clip.get_frame(0).copy() try: import numpy as np def frame_writer(n, f): if n is not None: pass fout = f.copy() ptr = np.asarray(fout.get_write_array(0)) ptr[0] = np.linspace(0, 1, 1 << 16) return fout mask = blank_clip.std.ModifyFrame([blank_clip], frame_writer) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): warn("wipe: numpy module not found, falling back to slower less accurate method", Warning) import ctypes ptr_type = ctypes.c_float * (1 << 16) vs_ptr = ctypes.cast(write_frame.get_write_ptr(0), ctypes.POINTER(ptr_type)) float_lin_array = [i / ((1 << 16) - 1) for i in list(range(1 << 16))] float_Arr_ptr = ctypes.pointer(ptr_type(*float_lin_array)) vs_ptr[0] = float_Arr_ptr[0] mask = blank_clip.std.ModifyFrame([blank_clip], lambda n, f: write_frame) mask = mask.grain.Add() if TYPE_CHECKING: assert mask.format is not None assert clipa.format is not None mask_horiz = mask.resize.Spline64( clipa.width, clipa.height, dither_type="error_diffusion", format=mask.format.replace( bits_per_sample=clipa.format.bits_per_sample, color_family=vs.GRAY, sample_type=clipa.format.sample_type ).id, matrix_in_s="rgb", ) mask_vert = core.std.Transpose(mask).resize.Spline64( clipa.width, clipa.height, dither_type="error_diffusion", format=mask.format.replace( bits_per_sample=clipa.format.bits_per_sample, color_family=vs.GRAY, sample_type=clipa.format.sample_type ).id, matrix_in_s="rgb", ) black_clip = core.std.BlankClip(mask_horiz, length=1, color=[0]) white_clip = core.std.BlankClip(mask_horiz, length=1, color=[(1 << clipa.format.bits_per_sample) - 1]) if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([black_clip, mask_horiz, white_clip]) w = mask_horiz.width if direction == Direction.LEFT: def _wipe(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: stack_ = stack.resize.Spline36( width=w, src_left=2 * w * n / (frames_ - 1), src_width=w, ) return core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa_wipe_zone, clipb_wipe_zone, stack_) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: stack = core.std.FlipHorizontal(stack) def _wipe(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: stack_ = stack.resize.Spline36( width=w, src_left=(2 * w) * (1 - n / (frames_ - 1)), src_width=w, ) return core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa_wipe_zone, clipb_wipe_zone, stack_) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: stack = core.std.StackVertical([black_clip, mask_vert, white_clip]) h = mask_vert.height if direction == Direction.UP: def _wipe(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: stack_ = stack.resize.Spline36( height=h, src_top=2 * h * n / (frames_ - 1), src_height=h, ) return core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa_wipe_zone, clipb_wipe_zone, stack_) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: stack = core.std.FlipVertical(stack) def _wipe(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: stack_ = stack.resize.Spline36( height=h, src_top=(2 * h) * (1 - n / (frames_ - 1)), src_height=h, ) return core.std.MaskedMerge(clipa_wipe_zone, clipb_wipe_zone, stack_) wiped = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _wipe) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, wiped, clipb_clean)
[docs]def cube_rotate( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT, exaggeration: int = 0, ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Mimics a cube face rotation by adjusting the speed at which the :func:`squeeze_expand` boundary moves. Cube face containing `clipa` rotates away from the viewer in projected 3-D space towards `direction`. :param exaggeration: An integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) representing how much the effect of the cosine wave should be exaggerated. `0` corresponds to a mathematically correct projection of a 90 degree rotation offset by 45 degrees. `100` corresponds to a fitted cosine wave. """ if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("cube_rotate: give a proper direction") if not (0 <= exaggeration <= 100): raise ValueError(f"cube_rotate: exaggeration {exaggeration} not between 0 and 100") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, cube_rotate, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_squeeze_zone, clipb_squeeze_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def rotation(percentage: float) -> float: """Return a radian rotation based on `percentage` ranging from -pi/4 at 0% to -3pi/4 at 100%""" return (-math.pi / 2) * percentage - math.pi / 4 def position(percentage: float, bias: int) -> float: """ Return position of a rotated edge as a percentage 0% at 0%, 23% at 25%, 50% at 50%, 77% at 75%, 100% at 100% """ def _projection(x: float): """mathmatically correct projection""" return (-math.cos(rotation(x)) + (math.sqrt(2) / 2)) / math.sqrt(2) def _fitted(x: float): """fitted cosine wave to exaggerate the effects""" return -0.5 * math.cos(2 * rotation(x) + math.pi / 2) + 0.5 if bias == 0: return round(_projection(percentage), 9) elif bias == 100: return round(_fitted(percentage), 9) else: fitted = (bias / 100) * _fitted(percentage) projection = ((100 - bias) / 100) * _projection(percentage) return round(fitted + projection, 9) if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: def _rotate(n: int): w_inc = math.floor(clipa.width * position(n / (frames_ - 1), exaggeration)) w_dec = clipa.width - w_inc if w_dec == clipa.width: return clipa_squeeze_zone elif w_inc == clipa.width: return clipb_squeeze_zone else: clipa_squeezed = clipa_squeeze_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_dec) clipb_squeezed = clipb_squeeze_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_inc) if direction == Direction.LEFT: return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_squeezed, clipb_squeezed]) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_squeezed, clipa_squeezed]) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: def _rotate(n: int): h_inc = math.floor(clipa.height * position(n / (frames_ - 1), exaggeration)) h_dec = clipa.height - h_inc if h_dec == clipa.height: return clipa_squeeze_zone elif h_inc == clipa.height: return clipb_squeeze_zone else: clipa_squeezed = clipa_squeeze_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h_dec) clipb_squeezed = clipb_squeeze_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h_inc) if direction == Direction.UP: return core.std.StackVertical([clipa_squeezed, clipb_squeezed]) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: return core.std.StackVertical([clipb_squeezed, clipa_squeezed]) rotated = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _rotate) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, rotated, clipb_clean)
[docs]def linear_boundary( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, clipa_movement: MiscConstants, clipb_movement: MiscConstants, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT, ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Generalized boundary moving function for a linear transition between two stacked clips. `clipa` can either slide out of view (having its size unchanged) or be squeezed to nothing from its original size. `clipb` can either slide into view (having its size unchanged) or be expanded from nothing to its full size. The boundary between the two clips moves towards `direction`. The parameter `clipa_movement` can be :attr:`MiscConstants.SLIDE` or :attr:`MiscConstants.SQUEEZE`. The parameter `clipb_movement` can be :attr:`MiscConstants.SLIDE` or :attr:`MiscConstants.EXPAND`. See :func:`push`, :func:`slide_expand`, :func:`squeeze_slide`, or :func:`squeeze_expand` for simpler aliases in the same form as most other linear, directional transitions. """ if clipa_movement not in [MiscConstants.SLIDE, MiscConstants.SQUEEZE]: raise ValueError("linear_boundary: clipa_movement must be either a slide or a squeeze") if clipb_movement not in [MiscConstants.SLIDE, MiscConstants.EXPAND]: raise ValueError("linear_boundary: clipb_movement must be either a slide or an expand") if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("linear_boundary: give a proper direction") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) check_for_subsampling = not ( clipa_movement == clipb_movement == MiscConstants.SLIDE ) # only need subsampling check if resizing _check_clips(frames_, linear_boundary, clipa, clipb, subsampling=check_for_subsampling) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) if clipa_movement == clipb_movement == MiscConstants.SLIDE: w, h = clipa.width, clipa.height def _stack(clipa_: vs.VideoNode, clipb_: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode: if direction == Direction.LEFT: return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_, clipb_]) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_, clipa_]) elif direction == Direction.UP: return core.std.StackVertical([clipa_, clipb_]) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: return core.std.StackVertical([clipb_, clipa_]) stack = _stack(clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone) def _push(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: if direction == Direction.LEFT: return stack.resize.Spline36(width=w, src_left=w * n / (frames_ - 1), src_width=w) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: return stack.resize.Spline36(width=w, src_left=w * (1 - n / (frames_ - 1)), src_width=w) elif direction == Direction.UP: return stack.resize.Spline36(height=h, src_top=h * n / (frames_ - 1), src_height=h) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: return stack.resize.Spline36(height=h, src_top=h * (1 - n / (frames_ - 1)), src_height=h) pushed = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _push) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, pushed, clipb_clean) elif clipa_movement == MiscConstants.SLIDE and clipb_movement == MiscConstants.EXPAND: def _slide_expand(n: int): scale = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if scale == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif scale == 1: return clipb_t_zone if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: w = math.floor(scale * clipa.width) if w == 0: return clipa_t_zone if direction == Direction.LEFT: stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w)]) return stack.std.Crop(left=w) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w), clipa_t_zone]) return stack.std.Crop(right=w) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: h = math.floor(scale * clipa.height) if h == 0: return clipa_t_zone if direction == Direction.UP: stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h)]) return stack.std.Crop(top=h) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h), clipa_t_zone]) return stack.std.Crop(bottom=h) slide_expanded = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _slide_expand) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, slide_expanded, clipb_clean) elif clipa_movement == MiscConstants.SQUEEZE and clipb_movement == MiscConstants.SLIDE: def _squeeze_slide(n: int): scale = 1 - Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if scale == 1: return clipa_t_zone elif scale == 0: return clipb_t_zone if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: w = math.floor(scale * clipa.width) if w == 0: return clipb_t_zone if direction == Direction.LEFT: stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w), clipb_t_zone]) return stack.std.Crop(right=w) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_t_zone, clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w)]) return stack.std.Crop(left=w) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: h = math.floor(scale * clipa.height) if h == 0: return clipb_t_zone if direction == Direction.UP: stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h), clipb_t_zone]) return stack.std.Crop(bottom=h) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipb_t_zone, clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(height=h)]) return stack.std.Crop(top=h) squeeze_slided = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _squeeze_slide) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, squeeze_slided, clipb_clean) elif clipa_movement == MiscConstants.SQUEEZE and clipb_movement == MiscConstants.EXPAND: def _squeeze_expand(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: scale = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if scale == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif scale == 1: return clipb_t_zone if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: w_inc = math.floor(scale * clipa.width) w_dec = clipa.width - w_inc if w_inc == 0: return clipa_t_zone if direction == Direction.LEFT: return core.std.StackHorizontal( [clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_dec), clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_inc)] ) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: return core.std.StackHorizontal( [clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_inc), clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=w_dec)] ) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: h_inc = math.floor(scale * clipa.width) h_dec = clipa.width - h_inc if h_inc == 0: return clipa_t_zone if direction == Direction.UP: return core.std.StackVertical( [clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=h_dec), clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=h_inc)] ) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: return core.std.StackVertical( [clipb_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=h_inc), clipa_t_zone.resize.Spline36(width=h_dec)] ) squeeze_expanded = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _squeeze_expand) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, squeeze_expanded, clipb_clean)
[docs]def push(clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT): """Second clip pushes first clip off of the screen. The first clip moves off of the screen moving towards the given `direction`. Alias for :func:`linear_boundary` with ``clipa_movement=SLIDE`` and ``clipb_movement=SLIDE``. """ return linear_boundary(clipa, clipb, MiscConstants.SLIDE, MiscConstants.SLIDE, frames=frames, direction=direction)
[docs]def slide_expand( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ): """First clip slides out of view, while second clip expands into view from nothing. `clipa` slides off of the screen towards `direction`. `clipb` expands into view from the opposite side of the given direction. Alias for :func:`linear_boundary` with ``clipa_movement=SLIDE`` and ``clipb_movement=EXPAND``. """ return linear_boundary(clipa, clipb, MiscConstants.SLIDE, MiscConstants.EXPAND, frames=frames, direction=direction)
[docs]def squeeze_slide( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ): """First clip squeezes into nothing, while second clip slides into view. `clipa` gets compressed off of the screen towards `direction`. `clipb` slides into view from the opposite side of the given direction. Alias for :func:`linear_boundary` with ``clipa_movement=SQUEEZE`` and ``clipb_movement=SLIDE``. """ return linear_boundary(clipa, clipb, MiscConstants.SQUEEZE, MiscConstants.SLIDE, frames=frames, direction=direction)
[docs]def squeeze_expand( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ): """First clip squeezes into nothing, while second clip expands into view from nothing. `clipa` gets compressed off of the screen towards `direction`. `clipb` expands into view from the opposite side of the given direction. Alias for :func:`linear_boundary` with ``clipa_movement=SQUEEZE`` and ``clipb_movement=EXPAND``. """ return linear_boundary( clipa, clipb, MiscConstants.SQUEEZE, MiscConstants.EXPAND, frames=frames, direction=direction )
[docs]def cover( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Second clip slides in and covers the first clip which stays in place. `clipb` slides into frame towards `direction` covering `clipa`. """ if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("cover: give a proper direction") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, cover, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _cover(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) w = math.floor(progress * clipa.width) h = math.floor(progress * clipa.height) if progress == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_t_zone if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: if w == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: if h == 0: return clipa_t_zone if direction == Direction.LEFT: cropped_a = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(right=w) stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([cropped_a, clipb_t_zone]) return stack.resize.Spline36(width=clipa.width, src_width=clipa.width) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: cropped_a = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(left=w) stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_t_zone, cropped_a]) return stack.resize.Spline36(width=clipa.width, src_left=clipa.width - w, src_width=clipa.width) elif direction == Direction.UP: cropped_a = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=h) stack = core.std.StackVertical([cropped_a, clipb_t_zone]) return stack.resize.Spline36(height=clipa.height, src_height=clipa.height) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: cropped_a = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(top=h) stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipb_t_zone, cropped_a]) return stack.resize.Spline36(height=clipa.height, src_top=clipa.height - h, src_height=clipa.height) covered = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _cover) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, covered, clipb_clean)
[docs]def reveal( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ) -> vs.VideoNode: """First clip slides out of view exposing second clip that stays in place. `clipa` slides out of frame towards `direction` revealing `clipb`. """ if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("reveal: give a proper direction") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, reveal, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _reveal(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = 1 - Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) w = math.floor(progress * clipa.width) h = math.floor(progress * clipa.height) if progress == 1: return clipa_t_zone elif progress == 0: return clipb_t_zone if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: if w == 0: return clipb_t_zone elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: if h == 0: return clipb_t_zone if direction == Direction.LEFT: cropped_b = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(left=w) stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_t_zone, cropped_b]) return stack.resize.Spline36(width=clipa.width, src_width=clipa.width, src_left=clipa.width - w) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: cropped_b = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(right=w) stack = core.std.StackHorizontal([cropped_b, clipa_t_zone]) return stack.resize.Spline36(width=clipa.width, src_width=clipa.width) elif direction == Direction.UP: cropped_b = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(top=h) stack = core.std.StackVertical([clipa_t_zone, cropped_b]) return stack.resize.Spline36(height=clipa.height, src_height=clipa.height, src_top=clipa.height - h) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: cropped_b = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=h) stack = core.std.StackVertical([cropped_b, clipa_t_zone]) return stack.resize.Spline36(height=clipa.height, src_height=clipa.height) covered = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _reveal) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, covered, clipb_clean)
[docs]def curtain_cover( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, axis: Direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Second clip comes into view from both directions split along the given axis covering the first clip in place. `clipb` splits and moves inwards along the given `axis`. If `axis` is given as :attr:`Direction.HORIZONTAL`, the clips must have an even integer width. If `axis` is given as :attr:`Direction.VERTICAL`, the clips must have an even integer height. """ if axis not in [Direction.HORIZONTAL, Direction.VERTICAL]: raise ValueError("curtain_cover: give a proper axis") if axis == Direction.HORIZONTAL and clipa.width % 2: raise ValueError("curtain_cover: for horizontal reveal, input clips must have an even width") elif axis == Direction.VERTICAL and clipa.height % 2: raise ValueError("curtain_cover: for vertical reveal, input clips must have an even height") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, curtain_cover, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _curtain_cover(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if progress == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_t_zone if axis == Direction.HORIZONTAL: w = round(float(clipa.width * progress / 2)) * 2 if w == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif w == clipa.width: return clipb_t_zone clipb_left = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(right=clipa.width // 2) clipb_right = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipa.width // 2) clipb_left = clipb_left.std.Crop(left=clipb_left.width - w // 2) clipb_right = clipb_right.std.Crop(right=clipb_right.width - w // 2) clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipb_left.width, right=clipb_right.width) return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_left, clipa_cropped, clipb_right]) elif axis == Direction.VERTICAL: h = round(float(clipa.height * progress / 2)) * 2 if h == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif h == clipa.height: return clipb_t_zone clipb_top = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=clipa.height // 2) clipb_bottom = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipa.height // 2) clipb_top = clipb_top.std.Crop(top=clipb_top.height - h // 2) clipb_bottom = clipb_bottom.std.Crop(bottom=clipb_bottom.height - h // 2) clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipb_top.height, bottom=clipb_bottom.height) return core.std.StackVertical([clipb_top, clipa_cropped, clipb_bottom]) curtain_covered = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _curtain_cover) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, curtain_covered, clipb_clean)
[docs]def curtain_reveal( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, axis: Direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL ) -> vs.VideoNode: """First clip splits apart to reveal the second clip in place. `clipa` splits and moves apart along the given `axis`. If `axis` is given as :attr:`Direction.HORIZONTAL`, the clips must have an even integer width. If `axis` is given as :attr:`Direction.VERTICAL`, the clips must have an even integer height. """ if axis not in [Direction.HORIZONTAL, Direction.VERTICAL]: raise ValueError("curtain_reveal: give a proper axis") if axis == Direction.HORIZONTAL and clipa.width % 2: raise ValueError("curtain_reveal: for horizontal reveal, input clips must have an even width") elif axis == Direction.VERTICAL and clipa.height % 2: raise ValueError("curtain_reveal: for vertical reveal, input clips must have an even height") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, curtain_reveal, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _curtain_reveal(n: int) -> vs.VideoNode: progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if progress == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_t_zone if axis == Direction.HORIZONTAL: w = round(float(clipa.width * progress / 2)) * 2 if w == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif w == clipa.width: return clipb_t_zone clipa_left = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(right=clipa.width // 2) clipa_right = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipa.width // 2) clipa_left = clipa_left.std.Crop(left=w // 2) clipa_right = clipa_right.std.Crop(right=w // 2) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipa_left.width, right=clipa_right.width) return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_left, clipb_cropped, clipa_right]) elif axis == Direction.VERTICAL: h = round(float(clipa.height * progress / 2)) * 2 if h == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif h == clipa.height: return clipb_t_zone clipa_top = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=clipa.height // 2) clipa_bottom = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipa.height // 2) clipa_top = clipa_top.std.Crop(top=h // 2) clipa_bottom = clipa_bottom.std.Crop(bottom=h // 2) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipa_top.height, bottom=clipa_bottom.height) return core.std.StackVertical([clipa_top, clipb_cropped, clipa_bottom]) curtain_revealed = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _curtain_reveal) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, curtain_revealed, clipb_clean)
[docs]def pixellate( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, lowest_target_w: Optional[int] = 2, lowest_target_h: Optional[int] = 2, ) -> vs.VideoNode: """Pixellate using rescales and aggressively fade at the center. For large clips (width `x` height), the effect might not be too noticeable until the transition is near the middle point. This is due to bicubic downscales and point re-upscales at very high percentages of the original dimensions not being noticeably different. Due to the way pixellation progress is calculated, the transition `must` be at least 4 frames long. Longer transitions paired with larger target dimensions will cause the pixellation effect to appear to pause towards the center of the transition. :param lowest_target_w: An integer that determines the minimum width target to downscale to. By specifying ``None``, or by specifying the width of the source clips, the clips will not be scaled in the `x` or width direction, making this only pixellate vertically. :param lowest_target_h: An integer that determines the minimum height target to downscale to. By specifying ``None``, or by specifying the height of the source clips, the clips will not be scaled in the `y` or height direction, making this only pixellate horizontally. """ frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if frames_ < 4: raise ValueError("pixellate: transition must be at least 4 frames long") if lowest_target_w is None: lowest_target_w = clipa.width if lowest_target_h is None: lowest_target_h = clipa.height if lowest_target_w < 1 or lowest_target_w > clipa.width: raise ValueError("pixellate: `lowest_target_w` must be at least one and at most the width of the source clips") if lowest_target_h < 1 or lowest_target_h > clipa.height: raise ValueError("pixellate: `lowest_target_h` must be at least one and at most the height of the source clips") if lowest_target_w == clipa.width and lowest_target_h == clipa.height: raise ValueError("pixellate: at least one target dimension must be lower than the source dimensions") lowest_target_w_ = lowest_target_w lowest_target_h_ = lowest_target_h if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) assert isinstance(lowest_target_w_, int) assert isinstance(lowest_target_h_, int) _check_clips(frames_, pixellate, clipa, clipb) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _pixellate(n: int): if iseven(frames_): center = (frames_ - 1) / 2 if n < center: progress_a = Fraction(math.floor(center) - n, math.floor(center)) ** 2 target_w_a = max([lowest_target_w_, math.floor(progress_a * clipa.width)]) target_h_a = max([lowest_target_h_, math.floor(progress_a * clipa.height)]) target_w_b = lowest_target_w_ target_h_b = lowest_target_h_ clipa_small = clipa_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_a, target_h_a) clipb_small = clipb_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_b, target_h_b) clipa_pixellated = clipa_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) clipb_pixellated = clipb_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) if n == math.floor(center): return core.std.Merge(clipa_pixellated, clipb_pixellated, [1 / 3]) else: return clipa_pixellated else: progress_b = Fraction(n - math.ceil(center), math.floor(center)) ** 2 target_w_b = max([lowest_target_w_, math.floor(progress_b * clipa.width)]) target_h_b = max([lowest_target_h_, math.floor(progress_b * clipa.height)]) target_w_a = lowest_target_w_ target_h_a = lowest_target_h_ clipa_small = clipa_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_a, target_h_a) clipb_small = clipb_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_b, target_h_b) clipa_pixellated = clipa_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) clipb_pixellated = clipb_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) if n == math.ceil(center): return core.std.Merge(clipa_pixellated, clipb_pixellated, [2 / 3]) else: return clipb_pixellated else: center = (frames_ - 1) // 2 if n < center: progress_a = Fraction(center - n, center) ** 2 target_w_a = max([lowest_target_w_, math.floor(progress_a * clipa.width)]) target_h_a = max([lowest_target_h_, math.floor(progress_a * clipa.height)]) target_w_b = lowest_target_w_ target_h_b = lowest_target_h_ clipa_small = clipa_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_a, target_h_a) clipb_small = clipb_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_b, target_h_b) clipa_pixellated = clipa_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) clipb_pixellated = clipb_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) if n == center - 1: return core.std.Merge(clipa_pixellated, clipb_pixellated, [1 / 4]) else: return clipa_pixellated elif n == center: target_w_a = target_w_b = lowest_target_w_ target_h_a = target_h_b = lowest_target_h_ clipa_small = clipa_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_a, target_h_a) clipb_small = clipb_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_b, target_h_b) clipa_pixellated = clipa_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) clipb_pixellated = clipb_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) return core.std.Merge(clipa_pixellated, clipb_pixellated, [1 / 2]) else: progress_b = Fraction(n - center, center) ** 2 target_w_b = max([lowest_target_w_, math.floor(progress_b * clipa.width)]) target_h_b = max([lowest_target_h_, math.floor(progress_b * clipa.height)]) target_w_a = lowest_target_w_ target_h_a = lowest_target_h_ clipa_small = clipa_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_a, target_h_a) clipb_small = clipb_t_zone.resize.Bicubic(target_w_b, target_h_b) clipa_pixellated = clipa_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) clipb_pixellated = clipb_small.resize.Point(clipa.width, clipa.height) if n == center + 1: return core.std.Merge(clipa_pixellated, clipb_pixellated, [3 / 4]) else: return clipb_pixellated pixellated = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _pixellate) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, pixellated, clipb_clean)
[docs]def peel( clipa: vs.VideoNode, clipb: vs.VideoNode, frames: Optional[int] = None, direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT ) -> vs.VideoNode: """First clip peels away revealing the second clip beneath. Both clips remain in place during the transition. The boundary between clips moves towards `direction`. """ if direction not in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT, Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: raise ValueError("peel: give a proper direction") frames_ = frames or min(clipa.num_frames, clipb.num_frames) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(frames_, int) _check_clips(frames_, peel, clipa, clipb, subsampling=True) clipa_clean, clipb_clean, clipa_t_zone, clipb_t_zone = _transition_clips(clipa, clipb, frames_) def _peel(n: int): progress = Fraction(n, frames_ - 1) if progress == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif progress == 1: return clipb_t_zone else: if direction in [Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT]: clipb_w = math.floor(clipa.width * progress) clipa_w = clipa.width - clipb_w if clipb_w == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif clipb_w == clipa.width: return clipb_t_zone else: if direction == Direction.LEFT: clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(right=clipb_w) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipa_w) return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipa_cropped, clipb_cropped]) elif direction == Direction.RIGHT: clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(left=clipb_w) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(right=clipa_w) return core.std.StackHorizontal([clipb_cropped, clipa_cropped]) elif direction in [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN]: clipb_h = math.floor(clipa.height * progress) clipa_h = clipa.height - clipb_h if clipb_h == 0: return clipa_t_zone elif clipb_h == clipa.width: return clipb_t_zone else: if direction == Direction.UP: clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=clipb_h) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipa_h) return core.std.StackVertical([clipa_cropped, clipb_cropped]) elif direction == Direction.DOWN: clipa_cropped = clipa_t_zone.std.Crop(top=clipb_h) clipb_cropped = clipb_t_zone.std.Crop(bottom=clipa_h) return core.std.StackVertical([clipb_cropped, clipa_cropped]) peeled = core.std.FrameEval(core.std.BlankClip(clipa, length=frames_), _peel) return _return_combo(clipa_clean, peeled, clipb_clean)
def round_to(f: Fraction, n: int) -> int: """Rounds a fractional value to the nearest `n`, rounding half up and never returning less than `n`""" if n < 1: raise ValueError("round_to: `n` must be an integer greater than 0") if n == 1: return max(1, round(float(f))) else: return max(n, round(float(f / n)) * n) def isodd(value: int) -> bool: return bool(value % 2) def iseven(value: int) -> bool: return not bool(value % 2)